The holidays are over and you’re already drowning in work. And as humans do, you’re leaning on food to stay afloat in times of stress; while that helps you stay up for a few weeks it’s no secret that eating without thinking ultimately takes you down with itself. Just why we’re here with the top five foods that help curb compulsive overeating.
Be it work stress, keeping up with the New Year fitness resolution, or just feelin’ blue, these superstars are here to keep your belly full and hand out of that bag of chips. Munch away your snacking impulses with these healthy alternatives to your regular nibbles.
This humble snack deserves more love than just being your movie buddy. Popcorn is one of the healthiest snacks around, with one cup carrying only 30 calories. The tiny bites also testify to the adage “great things come in small packages”, with their hoard of fibre, vitamins, iron, zinc, antioxidants, and more. All you need to do get some corn kernels, air pop them (regular stove or popcorn maker will do) and voila! Your wholesome snack is ready. A touch of olive oil and sea salt will add that extra zing to it. To keep it healthy go for natural kernels instead of pre-packed popcorn, and of course, no soda!
Hummus & Crudités
This Mediterranean food didn’t become a world favourite without reason. Made with chickpeas, olive oil, and sesame paste & a can’t-stop-eating taste to boot, hummus is a guilty pleasure that comes with all the pleasure and none of the guilt. The protein rich dip helps combat hunger cravings, balance blood sugar levels, and lower cholesterol. Dip into it with crudités (fresh cucumbers, bell peppers, carrots, etc.) and you’ll start believing that healthy snacking does exist indeed. It may have an exotic aura but is fairly easy to make, whip up your own Hummus & Crudités in no time with this recipe.
This berry is not quitting anytime soon. Avocados have taken over the world of health foods, and with good reason. They come with a whole lot of fibre and monounsaturated fats – the good kinds which help lower LDL & maintain HDL levels. Also, the oleic acid in avocados is said to suppress appetite and the body takes longer to digest fibre, both helping prolong the feeling of being full. On a toast, in a smoothie, with eggs, on its own, the versatile avocado will come to your aid as a nutritious snack as & when you want.
Vinegar doesn’t simply dress your salad, it also addresses your habit of overeating. Go beyond the salad and drizzle this magic liquid on your next meal to feel surprisingly satiated for longer. A tablespoon of vinegar with your meal helps regulate the blood sugar spike that comes post chow-time. Our blood sugar shoots up right after eating and it crashes equally hard, stirring the appetite once again; vinegar helps prevent this fluctuation, saying no to hunger pangs for us. It’s time to make that vinegar dispenser a supper table mainstay!
Dark Chocolate
Yep! We’ve got chocolate on this list and we’re keeping you healthy. Though there’s never saying no to chocolate, dark chocolate gives you valid reasons to say yes. It carries antioxidants which help curb appetite, inflammation, and packs in healthy fats. You can have up to 100 grams of dark chocs a day, as it works to reduce the sweet tooth cravings. For good measure go for 70% cocoa and above if you want to feel the benefits.
Off to grab some Dark Chocolate & Avocado Truffles, care to join us?
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