Recently turned vegan? Cow milk giving you indigestion issues? Been hearing your friends talk about almond-milk-this & almond-milk-that? Not very keen on shelling out 7.5x for store-bought almond milk? The DSSC Test Kitchen comes to your rescue on a simple recipe on how to make almond milk in that room you seldom use – The […]
Recently turned vegan? Cow milk giving you indigestion issues? Been hearing your friends talk about almond-milk-this & almond-milk-that? Not very keen on shelling out 7.5x for store-bought almond milk? The DSSC Test Kitchen comes to your rescue on a simple recipe on how to make almond milk in that room you seldom use – The Kitchen.
Nut milks are a great alternative to cow’s milk, & with it nutrition content & silky texture, almond milk is a team favourite.
Prep time:10 hours to soak & 20 minutes to make
Challenge level:Beginner
From The Pantry:
1 cup of almonds (around 200-250 grams)
Water to soak
Equipment: Blender, Muslin Cloth, Clean bottle
Cook Away:
Soak the almonds in water overnight (or for 10 hours)
The next morning (or after the soak-time) rinse them well & the skins will peel off easily
Pop them into a blender
Add 3 cups of water and give them a good blitz until smooth
Grab a muslin cloth and strain the almond mixture through
Bunch the muslin and squeeze the milk out, thereby leaving the almond pulp in the muslin cloth
Pour the milk in a clean bottle and refrigerate. This will last you a solid 3-4 days.
DSSC Extra Tip: Don’t throw the pulp away. Dry it out, blitz it again (remember, no water) and you’ll have a jar worth of lovely almond flour!